Author: susy.carbonaro

ACCOGLIERE - Donare è qualcosa che mette il mio interlocutore a suo agio ma soprattutto è un regalo di accoglienza. L'accoglienza è apertura: ciò che raccolgo o ricevo, faccio entrare nella mia casa, dentro di me. Mi predispongo in modo benevolo...

Creatività - È l'arte o la capacità produttiva della mente di creare e inventare modalità di risoluzione di problemi non basate su strategie apprese in precedenza. Adattarsi - Conformarsi cognitivamente, biologicamente e spiritualmente a determinate condizioni dell’ambiente, della vita, della realtà,...

Listening - I'd like to listen to myself, with accuracy, self-compassion, and care. If I listened to my inner voice, I'd comprehend my most profound needs and desires, I'd know what makes me fly and what makes me fall. If...

What is your intention? What is your will telling you? The orientation of your consciousness to complete a course of action. A direction you intend to follow, a sense that will take you toward a determined goal. To have an...

DISCOVERY time is here!  This is the time to feed your keen intelligence and use your creativity to re-invent yourself, and bring to life, talents and abilities, that you ignore.  DISCOVERY is a precise heartbeat of revelation; when the veil of...

“I work long days while handling multiple activities, I frantically run around making sense of everything I manage daily. At the end I feel drained, empty and with a sense of loss at times. I don’t understand why this happens,...

When training young professionals to manage their time more efficiently, I first ask them to tell me what time management means. Most of them refer to the ability to accomplish all the items in their to-do lists.  Time management is about...

Over the years, while working as a trainer with professionals in various types of industries, as well as a Life Coach, I have been gathering comments, frustration, complaints about the lack of recognition at work… If only someone recognized the...

Have you ever pondered upon the link between what you feel and the way you behave? If your answer is Yes, then you are a person with self-awareness. To be self-aware means being able to identify your own emotional reactions,...

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